
Project Scheduling and Cost Control

About This Course

Use the tools of project management to effectively schedule and monitor projects. In this Project Scheduling and Cost Control course, you will learn to deal with the constraints that can occur on any project, such as time, human resources, materials, money, and requirements.

You will learn proven methods to work within the boundaries you set without allowing predetermined constraints to limit your creativity and ingenuity. From the beginning to the end of the course, you’ll gain hands-on experience right away, practicing your abilities in developing project requirements and the work breakdown structure. You’ll discover a solid, logical framework for scheduling and managing project operations.

You’ll also learn strategies for estimating, forecasting, budgeting, monitoring, controlling, analyzing, and reporting expenses, as well as evaluating earned value. The course materials also include comprehensive reference materials specific to each unit of the course.

Learning Objectives

Develop a network diagram using the work breakdown structure.
Use PERT/CPM to calculate schedules.
Identify, assign, and table requirements for resources,
Estimate costs and time based on particular levels and types of estimates.
Plan and anticipate changes for contingencies,
Use historical data to forecast future project performance.
Monitor changes and close out projects on time.


  • For a smooth learning experience (Online Courses), participants must have basic computer skills and a computer with a reliable Internet connection and speakers.
  • Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of procurement practices in the public or private sector and a solid command of the English language.

Target Audience

  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Executives
  • Project Managers
  • Anyone who is interested in the field


Section One: An Overview Of Project Management

Basic Project Management Definitions
The Pmi Pmbok Project Management Processes
Project Phases and Overview of The Project Management Life Cycles
Typical Project Terminology
Project Requirements
The Triple Constraint
Planning Tools
Setting-Up For Success
The Project Cost Management Processes – Estimate Costs, Determine Budget And Control Costs
Project Life Cycle

Section Two: Building Project Resource Pool And Estimating Cost

Section Three: Evaluation And Forecasting

Section Four: Scheduling

Section Five: Identifying Controllable Costs

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